這是我一直很喜歡的歌~然後我也不知道為什麼,就好聽吧Tiffany 說這是有一個故事的,(之前好像是有一個活動之類的,然後回答幾個問題,就可以收到她的電子郵件)

Back when I was 14, I was doing a play and there was this boy I liked.

He didn't know I liked him.

 During rehearsals I would look over at him. When he would look at me, I would look away really quick.
 I was always wondering, "Does he like me?" Or, "Does he not?"
 He was my first crush. I got so nervous when I saw him.
 I wrote this as my secret love song to him.
 To this day, he still doesn't know that I liked him.









I look at you, you look at me /我看著你,你也望著我
I look away, so you can't see /我移開目光,這樣你就不會看到
I'm dreamin' of you /我正夢想著你

And you don't even know, you don't even know /但你不知道,你也不知道
That I'm falling madly in love,with you, with you, /我和你一起掉入愛的旋律裡了,和你一起
And I wish that you were going crazy for me too. /我希望你也為我瘋狂

And I sit alone in the darkest night. /在最黑暗的夜晚,我獨自一個人
My heart is pounding and I wonder why, /我的心噗通的跳著,我想知道為什麼
Why am I invisible, why can’t you see /為什麼我是隱形的,你看不見我
I'm in love with you,are you in love with me? /我愛上你了,你也愛上我了嗎?

You show some signs, but I'm not sure. /你看得出那些徵兆,但我不確定
It's a secret love, and you’re the cure. /這是個秘密的愛,而你是解藥
I just need to know /我只需要知道
What you think about me, about me. /你對我的想法

'Cause I'm falling madly in love,with you, with you, /因為我和你一起掉入愛的旋律裡了,和你一起
And I wish that you were going crazy for me too. /我希望你也為我瘋狂
And I sit alone in the darkest night. / 在最黑暗的夜晚,我獨自一個人
My heart is pounding and I wonder why, /我的心噗通的跳著,我想知道為什麼
Why am I invisible, why can’t you see/ 為什麼我是隱形的,你看不見我
I'm in love with you,are you in love with me? /我愛上你了,你也愛上我了嗎?

And don't you think that maybe you and me /難道你不覺得或許我們
Could be a possibility. /是有可能的嗎?

I just wish that, baby, you could see, you could see... /我希望,你能明白,你能明白
That I'm falling madly in love,with you, with you,/ 我和你一起掉入愛的旋律裡了,和你一起
And I wish that you were going crazy for me too. /我希望你也為我瘋狂
And I sit alone in the darkest night. /在最黑暗的夜晚,我獨自一個人
My heart is pounding and I wonder why, /我的心噗通的跳著,我想知道為什麼
Why am I invisible, why can’t you see /為什麼我是隱形的,你看不見我
I'm in love with you,are you in love with me? /我愛上你了,你也愛上我了嗎?

    tiffanyalvord possibility lyrics

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